Ensure safety and compliance with our professional electrical testing and tagging services, including RCD, ELCB, PAT, fixed wire, and emergency lighting testing.

Are You Safe?

You and your staff deserve security and protection against potential hazards

Are You Compliant?

Safety Inspectors are visiting workplaces all over Australia every day to enforce workplace safety

Are You Prepared?

Be confident that your workplace and equipment meet the highest safety standards

© Rest Assurance | Testing And Tagging

What Is Testing & Tagging

Testing and Tagging is a necessary procedure for the electrical safety checking of appliances which minimise the risk of electrical hazards.

Each piece of equipment is inspected, tested and tagged according to the Australian standard (AS/NZS 3760:2010). A record of tests is kept as part of your overall OH&S risk management documentation and assists forecast budgets.

© Rest Assurance | Testing And Tagging

Why Test & Tag

It is mandatory of all employers and self-employed to ensure electrical equipment is safely maintained as part of fulfilling their obligation under the Electrical safety act No AS/NZS 3760:2010. No work place in Australia is exempted from electrical safety. Testing and Tagging of all electrical items has proven to be the most efficient and cost effective method to demonstrate electrical safety compliance.

Each piece of equipment is inspected, tested and tagged according to the Australian standard (AS/NZS 3760:2010). A record of tests is kept as part of your overall OH&S risk management documentation and assists forecast budgets.


The combination of our dedicated professional staff, our unique systems and the quality of our diverse range services makes REST Assurance an exceptional choice for companies looking for premium solutions at the competitive rates.

In choosing REST Assurance, you’re choosing:

  • Fully trained professional staff
  • State of the art equipment calibrated regularly
  • Convenience of onsite testing and tagging
  • Your very own account with 24hr online access to all reports
  • Security of our central computer database for backup
  • Servicing available in VIC, TAS, NSW, ACT, QLD and SA
  • Flexibility in appointment-setting: after hours, weekends and public holidays are available
  • Minimum disruption to your workplace environment
  • Future re-tests notification

Manufacturer and calibration certification can be provided upon request


Our Test and Tagging Services

REST ASSURANCE offers specialist electrical testing and tagging services to businesses across Victoria, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, and Tasmania.

REST Assurance offers a range of comprehensive on-site testing services designed to ensure your workplace and equipment meet the highest safety standards. From power tools and safety switches to wiring and lighting, we provide our customers with easy access to a wide range of testing and tagging services for any kind of workplace. To browse our suite of services and learn more about our work practices, please select from the Services menu.

4 Stage System

Our 4 stage system will assist your organisation to comply with the OH&S legislative requirements.


Visual Check

All test items are subject to a visual inspection conducated by our technicians. This involves a comprehensive inspection of the item to check for any damages or defects that way cause risks to users and make it unsafe.



Testing is carried out on all items that pass the visual check stage. Our mobile PAT 300 tester will immediately alert any safety issues. While recording test results, item description & details of the test carried out. This will automatically update your item register.



Items that have successfully completed the Testing stage will be tagged using our colour coded tags. These colour coded tags will help you to visually identify the test periods. Any failed items will be identified immediately with a “DANGER DO NOT USE” tag and removed from service. Site contact will be notified.



A certified concise report will be provided on the overall condition of your appliances and detailed information of your assets including bar code number, item location, description, test date, next test date & test results. On a separate report a list of appliances that failed will be supplied showing details of the reason for the failure.
© Rest Assurance | Testing And Tagging